Inside Insight: Nature knows best for Triumvira’s cell therapy

March 7, 2023

While many cell therapy developers are embracing every change they can engineer to optimize their CAR constructs, the messaging from Triumvira Immunologics is to keep it simple. By combining the best features of CAR-T and TCR therapies, it’s hoping to create a cell therapy to competitively take on both liquid and solid tumors.

Avoiding drawbacks of CARs: Triumvira aims to take TCRs to the next level with its T cell Antigen Coupler (TAC), harnessing endogenous TCR activity with CAR-like activation.

The construct co-opts the native TCR, while also enabling activation through its own engineered antigen binding and co-receptor domains. This allows the TAC to activate or silence the T-cell, without the use of gene editing.